Welcome to Beautiful Escape!
My name is Alaina Ann. I spent my twenties and thirties traveling around North America with a Nikon camera in hand, mostly capturing photographs of national parks and forests. While on the road, my bright purple van named Dandy was home.
Though I am a bit more settled in one place now, my catalog of photographs is quite extensive. This newsletter has become a lovely space to continue sharing moments from recent, and not so recent, adventures.
Why subscribe?
This daily photography newsletter will deliver a photo directly to your inbox, with the intention of offering a brief and beautiful escape from everyday life. Years ago, I sent similar emails from the road to family and close friends without social media accounts. Consider this an extension of those good morning messages.
On the first of each month, I will also pop into your inbox with a free wallpaper calendar and note with updates you may enjoy reading.
Difference between free and paid subscriptions.
Every subscriber will receive this free newsletter. Only paid subscribers have access to the full archive of previous posts.
Paid subscriptions help supplement my photography income, allowing added flexibility to step away from my desk to explore and capture new photographs for this newsletter.